Richard Hartnoll



Sobral #2, Portugal

Sobral #2, Portugal

Originally conceived under the title of 'Time out', this gallery is a collection of scenes that amused or in some way touched me about what people do when they take time out from their everyday routine.

Guincho beach
Beach cafe, Hamburg
Ostsee, Germany
Porto São Caetano, Pico, Açores
Santa Cruz, Flores, Açores
Sobral #1, Portugal
Sobral #2, Portugal
Carnival, Parc das Nações, Lisbon
Best friends, Aberdeen, Scotland
Corvo, Açores
English stag party, Prague
Mallorca #4
Costa da Caparica
Tee-time, Lisbon
Jardim da Estrela, Lisbon
Mallorca #1
Milfontes, Portugal
Beer festival, Castelo de Sâo Jorge, Lisbon
Water-melon eating competition, Mallorca
Pãscoa, Palmela

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